Finance Department


The responsibility of the Finance Department is to efficiently manage and account for the city's financial resources through financial reporting services, operational and capital budgeting support, debt, investment, and risk management.

Internal Control

Establish and maintain internal controls for assuring achievement of City's objectives in operational effectiveness and efficiency, and reliable financial reporting


Responsible for Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Grants, and Fixed Assets

Financial Reporting

Responsible for Quarterly and Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, and reporting to the City Council

Treasury Management

Responsible for Cash Receipts, collection of Accounts Receivable, Cash Management, Cash Flow Forecasting, Investments, Investment Policy, adherence to Public Funds Investment Act, and Banking Policy and Procedures

Financial Planning

Responsible for Revenue Forecast, long term Capital and Financial Plan, and Capital Improvement Plan

Debt Management

Responsible for management of Debt Portfolio, Debt Management Policy, Debt Financing, Continuing Disclosures, and Arbitrage

Financial Transparency

 The City is working with the State Comptroller's Office, and Government Finance Officers Association to promote the financial transparency.